Last updated: Friday February 14, 2020 10:04AM
Date of Event North Shore Junior Cricket Association: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:00AM

Wet Weather Reminder
All teams should be familiar with the NSJCA Wet Weather Policy and playing guidelines in the Blue Book, Rule 8.
The Blue Book can be found HERE or on the NSJCA website under the Library tab.
REMEMBER – Player safety is the sole driver, not winning and losing.
BOTH umpires must AGREE the ground is safe for play to start and then to resume if there is a break in the match.
At the point that the required number of overs to constitute a match can not be bowled, the match is a considered a wash out.
Should either side fail to receive half its full quota of overs, the match will be deemed to be a draw.
If no play is possible within 1 hour of the scheduled starting time, play shall be abandoned and the points shall be shared as for a washout (8.1).
Also when time is lost the rules in the appendix relating to your format regarding “Adjustments for Time Lost” need to be implemented. Teams need to know:
- how to adjust the number of overs to be played,
- what constitutes a match and
- the run rate calculation.
A good practice is for the scorers to note down the exact time the game stopped and started on the score sheet so that any adjustment to the number of overs can be correctly calculated and agreed.
Team Managers
In the case of wet weather please:
Check the NSJCA website for possible ground changes or other updates.
It is the responsibility of teams to ascertain whether a particular ground is closed and details of wet weather numbers are listed in the Blue Book and under the Season tab on the NSJCA website.
Note Some Council allow summer sports such as cricket to assess the condition of the ground on the day so even if a ground is open for use please consider if playing will damage the surface before deciding if the match will proceed.
If a ground has been closed for the day of play by a council, teams must not play on it. Teams that play on grounds that are closed (or not booked by the NSJCA) risk fines and are not covered by insurance.
This doesn’t means if you are playing on a Sunday on a ground that was closed on the Friday that your match is abandoned. Please check for Council updates and consider whether the ground is suitable for play using the Guidelines in the Blue Book.
Liaise with your opposing team manager. Team manager details are available HERE or on the website under the Season tab.